smth small for scott uwu


I love you this much, said the penguin. As far as my arms can reach out, as far as they can reach up, even farther than that. I will love you for longer than the longest river in the world, and longer than there is water for it to make its journey down the mountain and along the fields of the land down to the sea. The love I have for you reaches up far higher than the highest of all the mountains in all the world, stretching up even as high as the heavens up above the earth, and my capacity to love you and to keep on loving you is bigger than the biggest of the oceans on the globe, deeper than its murkiest depths and even fuller of the most wonderful things than even the strangest of seas that have been travelled by mariners since ancient times. And my love is stronger than those sailors who traversed the stormy oceans, and more powerful than the waves that carried them between continents from wonder to curious wonder. For you are my wonder, you are the treasure I sought for so longand now that I have found you, I will wrap my arms around you and never let go. For you complete me. We are two halves made into one whole, and I cannot, will not, live without you, said the penguin. <3 ( )

  • Published Published March 25, 2019, 06:11
  • Gifted Gifted to Skotty
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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