Actual top 3 games list (In-depth)


In no order theyre all rlly good 1: Terraria. I don't even care that I don't have 1.4 yet, this game is amazing. Frankly, even better than Minecraft. Fun both alone and with your friends, and because of procedurally generated worlds, 2 world evils to pick, 4 main classes, and mods, this game is endlessly replayable. Building is so fun and looks so great. Combat is so smooth and the weapons and armor have so much variety. The bosses are fun and unique. If you haven't already played, you're missing out on alot of fun. 2: Deep rock galactic. A really interesting game that I've been playing recently, which is very fun and satisfying to play when you understand it. I play it alone because I have like no friends but from I've heard it's really fun. I love the exploration and unique experience. Definitely worth a play. 3: Enter the Gungeon. Another great game published by Devolver Digital, EtG is the best rougelike I've ever played. It feels so satisfying to master the combat system, and thanks to the way you unlock new items, it feels like a different experience every run. I love this game. - Also a note on all three of these games the soundtracks, and sound design in general, makes the games like 10 times better. Here's a song from drg for you to listen to

  • Published January 25, 2021, 07:58
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
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