K so I'm NOW officially going on hiatus on this account. I may occasionally moderate and like/comment stuff, but I'm not making any promises. I seriously need to get my shit together now since I'm starting to slip up on my school work. It sucks but it really needs to happen. So if any of you message me and I don't respond for a long while, that's why. Thank you for listening and I sincerely hope yall have a nice and safe day/night! ๐
This animation is a continuation of:
Smooth afThuprilz
@Chargy sgdsg sorry (ยด-ฯ-,`)Chargy
@sugr!cube F O R G E T IT.Thuprilz
@Chargy whatnO tHe anImATioN dOESnt tImE uP wItH tHe bEat CauSe thE BeaT DoeSn'T lAsT a SpeCiFic WhOlE nuMbEr of FraMes
gdsgs im still confused about what ur talking about ;^;
@sugr!cube idk, its to simple to try to explain, you need to be a nerdy at building musics/soundtracks/effects.Thuprilz
@Chargy no the beat is on the songThuprilz
@Chargy hwhwhwhwhwhahtRANDOMGIRL4
@sugr!kube wheeZEChargy
@sugr!cube i was trying to explain the beat that you need to do in your head to complain the music with the beats of the step, THATS EQUAL A TICKThuprilz
@Chargy whatno i mean even if i add or subtract frames it wont line up with the beat of the song lol
Know what's scary?For the first few seconds of playing the animation, I heard thumping noises like someone tapping their foot
welll, its easy, follow the ticK : if the song is speedy do 5 ticks at step, if its slow do 3 ticks at step, its not complicaded when you're nerd at music and develop an entire soundtrack form one game.