the exception to everyone in my super people story's hair looks the same.
Xer one of the government-endorsed superheroes. though, xe also work with Heartbreaker and their team to try to take down the governemnt and then make it better.
xe can teleport, which makes xer traitorous ways very easy. Xe might be close to being a main character? I don't know.
@ClaytonR aaa yes, thanks!! <3Kailey_Kat
@ClaytonR and right down its face... rlly most of the white except the paws... srry to bother u bout it...ClaytonR
@Kailey_Kat I fixed it...I think.ClaytonR
@Kailey_Kat The white mark on the sweater sleeve?Kailey_Kat
@ClaytonR just took this: paste.picsClaytonR
@Kailey_Kat What's wrong with the preview?Kailey_Kat
@claytonr can u fix the previewwwwwww