The Historian


The historian had a bad habit of looking at the moon. her sister had looked at it, as had many heroes. as many heroes would. eternity would stretch on. But she knew that she would write and record as much as she could, and send others to do the same. they would watch and tell the stories of the underdogs and the champions. they would tell of the biases and rebellions. but for now, she would do it on her own, until others joined her. Maybe someday, someone would complete her sister's story. until then, she would tell every other story she could. **** Many years later, Josy's descendant opened up a long-frozen cavern and reanimated it. She revealed Josy's sister. And josy watched from the moon as her sister finally saw everything again. **** the sisters had always loved that lake by their house that reflected the moon's light. they were both buried there, where rebellions had started and history was laid to rest.

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