You feel that he's slightly impressed with your ability to speak with LeetSpeak. "11111111 th1nk 1'd b3 a g00d b0yfr13nd b3c4u$3... b3c4u$3 1 th1nk th4t 1'm 4bl3 2 c4r3 f0r $0m30n3 1n th3 right w4y$. I kn0w wh3n 2 $3t my f00t d0wn th0ugh. I d0nt w4nt 2 rub off as 2 l0v3y d0v3y. 1 c4n b3 r34lly m34n 4t t1m3$, u$u4lly w1th Urm0. 1m 4l$0 ju$t 4ttr4cted 2 p30pl3 34$1ly !! L1k3 b0y$ !! 4nd g1rl$ !! B0th 4r3 r34lly cut3. Im s1ngl3 th0ugh."