I remember at the start of covid


I specifically said "I really hope this doesn't get politicized"
the reason why is because when you make something a political statement, there are people on the other side of the political spectrum that will go against what is said. it doesn't matter what is said, just that the other side said it.
The left made it a political statement to wear masks, and the right responded by not doing so.
It doesn't help that the economy got shut down. and , to my knowledge, it was mainly left-wing politicians saying to shut down the economy.
So it just gave the right more reason to be against the left.
Anti-vaxxers where on a rise before covid, but after it became a political statement, the number of anti-vaxxers and people of the sort spiked.
I blame the left and the right for making, and maintaining, the idea that a pandemic is political.
I understand the reason both sides are the way they are.
The loudest people tend to not be the brightest. and the loudest people are also what everyone seems to hear. not to say there aren't loud people who are smart, I'm just saying there are more loud buffoons than geniuses.
It doesn't help that both sides are so divided.
So what am I saying?
Well, I'm saying we need to suck it up, put politics aside, and get along. Also, stop making basic intelligent decisions into political statements, it makes those decisions pointless if you do so.
Anyway, thank you for reading my rant. Have a good today and tomorrow.

  • Published Published January 15, 2021, 07:09
  • Location in The Swamp
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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