i feel sick


my throat hurts. more itches but it's still annoying. I fell like throwup. i hte this, ecspecially since my therapist's offic is in the hospital, so nw i might not be able to go in this thursday. even if thi is from mold. also, my phone got taken away so now i cant isten to my podcast. I am tying to play clarinet now, but it just hurts my throat, ecspecially since a lot of the mold comes from my clarinet. it could probably eveolve into it's own being nwo. also, football(america) is the worst thing ever, i hate it. and i've been sleeping on the floor(because my cats peed in my bed), so my bones hurt in addition to the sickness. and my period just started, so cramps!! not yay not getting the bloodlust yet for that htough, so that's good. this has been a mood swing time, not unnaturally angry. or maybe natualy angry? also, my hands are doing the shaky thing again. and i am not good at remmebering toeat food. I also have no idea how math works, even though im in precalc

  • Published September 06, 2021, 11:56
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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