Most of the time, I am a black bean, unless someone else took black first, then I'm usually white. I have these cute bear ears, because I am Monokuma. The most evil bear ever. Anyways, even if I'm the imposter, I always want to contribute to the weird accusations and conversations in the chat thingy during meetings and body discoveries. When someone is like "I think its this specific color for no reason" I'm always like "Where is your evidence?" If they can't come up with viable evidence, even when I'm imposter, they are immediately sus, and most of the time get voted off if we don't vote to skip first, or its a tie. with this strategy in mind, I usually win.
@poppliotubeMEGA SOB
@kawaii_melon bigger no ulk_draws
@poppliotube *BIGGER SOB*Pop
@kawaii_melon no ulk_draws
@poppliotube *sob*Pop
@kawaii_melon *cryieslk_draws
@poppliotube (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) i feel bad for making you feel badPop
@kawaii_melon I took to long to aswer?Pop
@kawaii_melon I took to long to aswer?lk_draws
@poppliotube why are you sowy?!?!?!? ;-;Pop
@kawaii_melon I sowwylk_draws
@poppliotube yes.Pop
choco brownie extreme and chocolate cookie dough oneslk_draws
@poppliotube but off the top of your head. stop making this hardPop
@kawaii_melon I havn't looked at the menu in so long tho, so idklk_draws
@poppliotube BUTT WHICH ONE WOULD YOU GET IF IT WAS THE END OF THE WORLD (you have to pick one)Pop
@kawaii_melon Idk there all goodlk_draws
@poppliotube :O what is your favorite icecream there??!Pop
@kawaii_melon SAME I havn't been in so long tholk_draws
@poppliotube i like the frieslk_draws
@AmbrayGraceMd23 okAmbrayGraceMd23
I DO THIZ QUIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-zzzzzzzzzz..................ok a little over kill but i did the quiz 0( -U w U- )0Pop
I like dairy queen toolk_draws
@scottishunicorn oki!scottishunicorn
oh and i got a 4 qwqscottishunicorn
@beb000 yes dingus you were there xDlk_draws
@beb000 um is it the one with scottishunicorn?Gh.0.stLee
@kawaii_melon failing you (sorry wrong time to mention this but did you join a random quizlet live one day)lk_draws
@beb000 nonono its fine what are you sorry forrrrrrr ;-;Gh.0.stLee
@kawaii_melon sorry T^T