Available in the market!
When ya boi's finally not underage. jkjk I'm never gonna drink. I just wanted to draw this loll
If my persona ever got drunk tho, it'd be with Ringo, and Ringo would stay sober so he can carry Skye home like the good friend he is. Poor Ringo has to deal with drunk Skye's bs hahaa
Don't drink tho. I'm never gonna do it,, especially not now cuz I'm underage hah.
RIP anatomy :')
urgh I forgot how to linework and I'm so damn frustrated
holy shit... lineless backgrounds are so hard to draw but kind of worth it in the end.
I spent one whole day on this,, sfjsdlkfmalk
"*Hic* y-you're mohawk's so- so- *hic* cool, Ringy"
"Shut up, you bastard. I can't believe I have to carry you home again."
"mmm. You're p-p-pretty. Did I ever- *hic*-- t-tell you dat..."
"Stop drooling, idiot. Jesus Christ."
This is TOTALLY not my favorite song right now >wO
@drumcat forever!drumcat
@Butter neverButter
Goro majimaSimblime
@drumcat XDdrumcat
@freezing-Amber he gon stab you to death@Simblime because persona
@Dominator_virus hes not that hot
@JoeyTheDestroyer yes you were
oh wait there was more than 3 commentsGreenHoodiedAnimator
i was in the callDominator_virus
that gif in the desc is 100% what irl poem looks likeSimblime
why does this look so c o o l ?FreezingFlames
That nose can kill