Ive never played Spore Creatures but I draw its villain alot
Ive never seen any real screenshots, info, or even dialog of Gar Skuther
But i like drawing him alot?? My main problem though is that i dont know his personality at all. So i draw him being a little brat or being cutesy,,, etc. I also headcannon him to be a bit of a tsundere or something
But i read somewheres that hes a very mean character and isnt like that at all?? People say that hes very rude, dumb, and has that "look at me you little shit" attitude and i dont know how to feel about that. Like,,, his reasoning is apperantly like a bratty five year old girl, so to speak. Hes dumb yet also very threatning,,, i got his personality all wrong according to these people lol. And they also say that, besides him being a dumbass and a bit intimidating, hes a VERY hard boss. You like,,, have to really prepare and take a breather before fighting him...
I might be getting the game and port to play it soon,, so i might actually get to see some of what he's really like. I hope lol
In the mean time take a fucking bi polar cyclops until i know what he's like
@WolfHats im goodUltraB
@gullyf its over nowsatansassgremlin
oh wow great job kris's brain, ur brain's got SKILLS manhope u ok <3
nooooo, dont chokeeeeee