Off rn or what-(heads up rn since this is a pretty long rant)
-,since meh dad told me that basically me doing art on the computer isn’t real art,along with kinda assuming I’m doing art to become an artist which bullshit and he knows this and 2.very stupid in my opinion because I’ve said it before to him and I want to say it again,I’m not doing art because I get something to gain,I do it because it’s my hobby,it’s fun,I like to do art,and going back to the computer thing I like doing art electronically.i get there is a difference but I told him I do both and he basically steam rolled right over me.
Along with that he(accidentally I guess) fed into my dysphoria by saying how I look the prettiest with long hair and how he doesn’t understand why I should cut it,and then tried to guilt trip me(I doubt this one was accidental) into keeping my hair long,he knows I hate it,I said I hate it,my mom knows I hate it,my siblings know I hate it,and yet he keeps trying to get me to grow my hair out I’m just so done with this bullshit
ooo that's niceClaytonR
You've got a good perspective!Roseken