GUYS TIME FOR ANOTHER CONTEST: A Soundtrack Color Palette Contest!! BASIC RULES: Basically, you need to draw/animate something relating to a soundtrack or one song in a soundtrack, with one palette shown above. It can be the soundtrack of a video game, musical, movie, TV show, whatever, but you have to tell me both the soundtrack the drawing is based off of and, if you chose a single song, which song (I would like to listen to them). As for the palettes, only one palette per customer please. you can use the gradient tool between the palette colors and black and white, but other than that, no extra colors. please be sure to tell me which palette you used, too. DATE: The contest will end May 15th. I might add en extension if you need it, but not for more than four days. PRIZES & PLACES: amount of places will be determined by amount of entries. First place will get a gold trophy on animation of their choice, and drawing to be decided from me. Second will get silver trophy and drawing to be decided from me. Third will get bronze trophy and drawing tbd from me. And so on. COLORS: (lol i named them emojis bc the names i picked b4 were very stupid) Here are links to the palettes, if you hover over the color and click on the hashtagged number, it copies the hashtag to your computer, and you can paste that into the color thing on the drawn editor. 😜 - https://colorhunt.co/palette/133655 🧜 - https://colorhunt.co/palette/141761 🐢 - https://colorhunt.co/palette/141641 😎 - https://colorhunt.co/palette/140057 😇 - https://colorhunt.co/palette/141021 🦄 - https://colorhunt.co/palette/131743 any problems with the colors, just comment and i will be with you as soon as possible. IN THE DESCRIPTION: please tell me which palette you chose, which soundtrack, and if you focused on one particular song, please tell me that one too. (a link to the song or soundtrack on youtube would be helpful lol). please also tag me in the desc ( @Kailey_Kat ) you dont have to put my name in the title, just somewhere in the description will be fine. THANK YOU FOR JOINING!!! Please comment your entries down below too, i really dont want to miss any amazing entries! (im sorry if any of this is confusing lol) have fun and good luck!

  • Published March 31, 2019, 20:23
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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