The Fiery Tyrant

By _J_M_

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- Sorry. That’s built up anger from the fact that this was the post that’s layers got scrambled in drafts- also- I’m on an IPad, so I don’t get the luxury of moving or naming layers, rather, Imust move each individual frame into place, and change the layer’s settings to fit what is now on that layer-. Also- something was WAY WRONG with the last one- so- I fixed it- Anyway- this took AGES- as in- Like- I’d say 5-6hours- I’ve been working on this all week- so- Enjoy-

  • Published February 02, 2020, 19:45
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in 2-Ocs/Effort
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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