News on Jasper (my oc)


K, so I've decided to take my oc Jasper here: off of Horns, and keep her for myself. If you remember when I first made her, she was designed specifically for the series "Horns" that was created by Paranormal_Chaos/Paranormal_Dumbass. However idk if they still plan on continuing that series or not; and ever since I made her, I've grown to really love her as my own character. Granted I know I'm not the first one to do this, but since Jasper was chosen to be one of the main characters in the plot, unless the series was dropped all together, I realize this might cause some issues. Anyway I wanted to make this announcement so that next time you see me make content of her it won't be related to Horns. Thank you for listening and have nice day/night!

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