The Heteros(Cis) Are Upseteros

By Kaden

(Possible trigger warning? idk stupid homophobes and transphobes) BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Anime turns kids into transgenderism. That's what my pastor says so it must be true. What the fuck. what the actual fuck. So lately my pastor had somehow found out i was non binary or something from my parents (I dont feel like coming out as trans to them) and he's been slowly and subtly trying to make lessons against multiple genders and LGBTQ+ and shit. subtly being the key word because i caught on during the first lesson lmao last week he tried to discredit science. and failed btw this week wasnt so subtle. he literally came out and said exactly what he wanted to talk about. GENDER IDENTITY. now i know he was talking about me the whole time. he said there were multiple reasons a kid might want to "be a different gender" the other two weren't important the last one was anime. the fuck first he went and said anime was bad and all of it was sexual and pedophillic. and shit. depends what anime you're watching, but if he knew that, he wouldnt have said that all anime are like that. My mom and dad let my four year old sister watch The Office and it says the same amount of bad words and is way more sexual then anime and they wont let their teenager, who is much more mature, watch anime. the fuck. my pastor said a reason anime turns kids to gender confusion is that they identify with a character and soon the gender of the character and the kid's own gender gets mixed and then they get confused. what. THE FUCK. i have never gotten confused with an actual characters emotions or gender. i mostly can hardly tell what is reality and my OC's story. and most of my oc's are girls. dating guys. the select few dating a girl or are guys are the oc's i get less confused as for some reas0n. anyways i was super mad the whole time and i wanted to just go: and later when church was letting out i was hanging out with my friend who also likes anime. she had another friend with her and was showing her friend a video i made on gacha club using my oc and a bunch of unnessacary edits. and my friend's dad was like "Put the anime away! The pastor just preached against it!" and we all were just like, Gacha club isnt an anime ;-; dear god what is wrong with these people know that not every hetero/cis people are like this.

  • Published January 25, 2021, 08:08
  • in The Swamp
  • in Lows in life
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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