i keep like, referring to myself as a boy in my head but everyone else isn't, so that's annoying. i also keep having dreams where I am a person of varying genders. though, i am usually just someone watching from the outside. most of my dreams are political nowadays. no, i dont know what that means. i have homework, but i dont like the homework. also, i like writing. i've been actaully writing a lot. its fun. i am starved for attention. please talk to me. also, my acid reflux is acting up and i hate it because i just keep getting sulfur burps and they hurt. and my gut hurts. i have cramps cause like, yeah. and i had to babysit today. but i got donuts, so it all evens out.
@satansassgremlin true truesatansassgremlin
@Star_The_Meergon put paste pics links instead!satansassgremlin
@GreenHoodiedAnimator I mean tbf he did mansplain a SEED in the movie so it's possible ♥️GreenHoodiedAnimator
Mansplaining trees 💀Monocoven
@satansassgremlin YES >:)satansassgremlin
@Monocoven YEAHHH HES SO SILLAYMonocoven
Based Once-ler fanart B)Star_The_Meergon
also that site be blocked for me yosatansassgremlin