While it is true that bloodbeasts all have their own talents within their fighting capabilities, some of these talents are more rare than others. And some are notably uncommon.. that’s why there will be a few categories to the special abilities. There is (D) Level abilities. D’s are classified simply by This: If you have an (M) level ability, then these abilities come with that skill.
(M) level abilities are abilities that can be learned by almost any beast, if they put An excruciatingly excessive amount of effort into obtaining it.
(S) level abilities are abilities that are obtained only through genetics. Meaning that you have to be born with this ability.
(Z) level abilities are the rare among the rare. They’re classified by only belonging to specific types of bloodbeasts with the specific details to have or even use these abilities. Or only 1-10 bloodbeasts have ever Been known to posses these abilities and wield them properly.
And finally.
(E) level abilities are abilities that are rendered “Extinct”. Which just means that nobody has these abilities.
Now, onto the list:
(D) Copycat- the ability to copy an opponent’s weapon. This is actually rarer than you think.
(D) Omni-tool- the beast is able to summon every weapon that it’s type can summon. This excludes “Special Weapons” as it’s a (Z) level ability.
(D)Speed- The beast is extremely fast. As in- fast enough to escape a blackhole from a distance that any normally fast person couldn’t escape from.
(M) Total control- The beast has total control over all of their ‘power aspects’ and scores a 30/30 on the power scale. This ability comes with AL:L (D) level abilities
(S) Weapon Bash- The ability to shatter the opponent’s weapon with your bare hands. The Oken family is also well-know because of this ability. Most members of the family have this ability.
(Z) Special Weapon- Can summon a weapon specialized to it’s type. These weapons are extremely powerful.
(This will be updated as I create more abilities, so the list is still a wip)
someone get their manshe forgot to shoplift the other shoe
@TheBoiRaine driplessTheBoiRaine
dude only have one shoeBionicle.exe
@Codex fghuytfghygfvbhgCodex
@Bionicle.exe ih1.redbubble.netSimblime
@TheMaineAnimator @Bionicle.exe u heard nothin', boi.Bionicle.exe
@Codex g o f i r s tCodex
if ur bored do our collabBionicle.exe
@TheMaineAnimator o yaTheMaineAnimator
@TheMaineAnimator what about noodlesTheMaineAnimator
@Bionicle.exe oh yeahBionicle.exe
@TheMaineAnimator isint athat true void?Bionicle.exe
@Simblime w h a tTheMaineAnimator
do void if you wantTheMaineAnimator
@Simblime excuse me whatTheMaineAnimator
that looks epicSimblime
sexy! HOT!!drumcat
Darius the transformer