more poemsss


A bird is caged
And clipped
And hurt

Abused and cut
Destroyed and burnt

The masters cannot
Set it free
Even if they wish

For the bird has grown vile
Cold, and black

The bird at first was white with joy
A dove to the world
But now it’s blood has spilled and turned
It’s feathers and body to black

The crow was born from this way
Don’t feel bad
It’s your fault it’s your fault
And nothing can change that

The crow forgot, you see
How to use its wings
And it’s all your fault you see

Don’t you see
What you’ve done to him
Or is your soul just as black?

Perhaps it is justified
Perhaps it is for a reason
But ‘til I know that reason
I do not wish to bleed from your wrath

I’d rather burn and bleed from my hand
Than by yours, you see
Do you understand the birds thoughts, my friend
Or must he still feel your wrath?
I’ll teach myself to fly again
And when that time comes you’ll see
Your words are nothing
And mine are everything
Because those who hurt others are nothing compared to me

When I fly I’ll escape
This cage you have put me in
I’ll take flight and you shall see
I am not the creature of hell as you see me

My black feathers shall stay this way
But I shall show them proudly
I’ll stay burnt and bruised and hurt
But I will keep on standing

So when the time comes for me to fly
No I don’t think it soon
Make sure the key is far away
Or it shall lead you to your doom

  • Published Published February 13, 2020, 08:23
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 5

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@-fryiinpan- kgemgrktdhtsro6fo6dhso6


Guess badger can swim

or octopi can go on land either way I'm not your daily animal expert

Oh wait my friends say I am WHAT


@Kailey_Kat I was doing a bunch of random generations on this one website and it said Badger with tentacles for arms.


wow,,, what gave u the idea for this character lmao