By sonia

Hello there! I'd like to say that i got the idea for constructive criticism from @Big_Fish, as he did at the end of his contest. If you entered the contest, and did not get the desired results, remember that the colors may not have been for you. It was really hardto choose who would win and who wouldn't, so please no complaining about what place you got. Also, our awesome father Clayton has requested that he did not get "placed" in my contest. However, here is his entry: I really love the dimension you put into the fruit, bowl, and wine, and i definitely felt something special. Thank you for entering, Clayton! Alrighty- in first place, we have @Anadroj-B-J's entry, called "Time" The animation is really smooth, and the way that the background smoothly transitions is wonderful. Obviously, hard time and work was put into this animation. In second place, we have @Sarowhamo's entry, titled "House" The shading is beautiful, and I love the amount of texture applied to everything. In third place, we have @DewyBob12's animation, titled "Shine" This one was really great. The lines were exceptionally smooth, and the speckles on the mountains astounded me. In fourthplace, we have @Big-Fish's entry, titled "Sweater Boi" I love this! The hair is amazing!! Thank you for entering. In fifth place, @SandyBeepis's entry, called "Great Knowing You" I love your background. This is really beautiful, and you perfectly portrayed everything that I needed in the contest. In sixth place, "Releaf" (relief) by @TwixLovez This one was great, although I would've preferred a bit more detail on the face. The colors were great and i love your animation. In seventh place, @Heyx5<3 and the animation titled "Love" I'd have overall liked more detail in the background and detail, but the animation is smooth and I really liked your perspective. These last two, I feel, were equals. They were both extraordinary, and I could not choose. And so, we have @Valdezorocoe's art, "Untitled" Id have preferred a background and a bit more definition, but it was great, and pleasing to look at. Also, "Confusion" by @Skyrock. It's a great little thing, but i think your anatomy could have been a tad bit better, as well as the leaf. Perhaps you could add some eyelashes? Anyhoo, thank you all for entering!! I really enjoyed looking at your art, and expect another contest from me soon! I will be giving out the prizes soon. Everyone who entered WILL get a small Christmas present for me, as a thank you for entering. If there is anything you feel I left out, please let me know. Have a nice day! :))))) As an afterthought, here is the contest.

  • Published December 09, 2018, 15:10
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Just saying...
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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