

idk what to name her,,,
andrews like,,, white,,, idfk ?? yeah well say andrews white
his partner was Chinese !! They were from Guangdong province. Idk what gender, but their sex was female. They left andrew after giving birth to the baby ,, they either couldn't handle parenthood/getting pregnant or a relationship w andrew anymore or ??? whatever the reason, they split up after the baby was born and andrew never heard from them since, but he still like,, loved them?? he wasn't IN love w them, but he had residual love and like,, the love of someone who is the parent of ur child.

the baby was an accident, and andrew was like,,, not exactly ready or happy ab it?? through the whole thing, but once he saw the baby for the first time he fell in love and was hyped to be a dad. it wasn't in his plans and kinda fucked w college plans, so he moved into a one room apt and got a job at an outdoors outlet thingie where they sell like kayaks and sporting equipment and fishing shit and tents and all that,,

so the baby is about two??? that's when they start talking,,, idk man !!!!

pls keep in mind she is half Chinese and respecting that part of her is v important to andy !! that's why I'm not naming her sean connery anymore,,, feels weird naming her after a white man,,,,

PLS GIMME NAMES !!! they can be non-chinese too dw :))
andrew didn't know if his ex ever wanted to be a part of their daughters life, but he wanted his daughter to have a piece of them. his name is andrew lawrence corbyn and his daughter is (insert first & middle name) cheng-corbyn !! his exs name was mei-lan (美兰) cheng (程) (simplified Chinese)

  • Published Published April 27, 2022, 11:18
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in 4 - oc shit
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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