I kinda wanna change my user but-


I've used it for three to four years now on toonator and here. and it helps people recognize me so i can reconnect with them. yet.... This name isn't really "me" anymore. when I made this name I acted drew stuff like this:https://toonator.com/toon/v2uvoidc75pu The only reason I have and use this name was because of a club three years ago. with someone who I sadly can no longer call a friend. They had a similar name. Just knowing this was made by who I was then with one who i no longer can see again...it's...something. Not to mention all the honestly dumb and rude things I did back then that are all connected to this name. but then I am a little hesitant about starting over and worrying about all my old toon friends who won't recognize my new art-style and then I wont be able to reconnect with them. Which begs the question if it's worth it to change a rather general name. So i'm leaving it up to you guys. I only have one change name left. and I will not be spending koin to change it again anytime soon.

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