"So, how was everybody's day?" asked Alexander, one of Flynn's dads.
"Mine was good," said Anonymous, sipping her milk
"Yeah, mine wasn't," said Flynn, taking a bite out of her food.
"Because of the missing people?" asked Carlos
"What missing people?" asked Daniel, Flynn's other dad.
"Kids are going missing," said Lucas, Carlos's boyfriend, "Two of the Silvers and Anastasia."
"Wait, isn't you brother staying with the Silvers?" asked Alexander{Did I, the author forget this detail, yes. just pretend they've(ace) been there}
"Yeah, They do live with the Silvers," said Lucas
"Well, my day was nice," said Daniel.
"That's because the new waitress we hired is awesome," said Alexander
"Oh, who is it?" asked Anonymous.
"Her name is Red," said Alexander
"Oh, she dated Blue last year," said Anonymous
"Yeah, she's in the GSA," said Carlos
"So's her younger sibling, Green," said Lucas
"What is with all these color names?" asked Daniel
"Idk. But there's also a Purple, a Yellow, and an Orange," said Anonymous
"That is a lot," said Alexander
"Not really," said Flynn
Daniel said, "So, as y'all know, we're going to be leaving for some conference thingy-"
"The national Cooks Conference, it's not that hard," said Alexander
"Sorry, anyway, we're leaving tomorrow. We trust you guys to be safe while we're gone," Daniel finished
"So, we're leaving Carlos in charge, as he is more likely to tell us what is happening," said Alexander
"Hey, I can be responsible!" said Flynn
"We know. But he's older, so we kinda have to leave him in charge," said Daniel
"Also, we can't leave only one of you in charge," said Alexander, "cause there are two of you," he pointed to the twins
"Fine," said Anonymous and Flynn, rolling their eyes
"There's the synchronized sass that we love!" said Carlos
Anonymous stuck her tongue out as Flynn kicked his shin.
"Hey!" said Lucas
"Oh, sorry, I was aiming for him," said Flynn, pointing towards Carlos
"Hey, no violence!" said Alexander.
"Sorry papa," said Flynn
"Say sorry to Lucas and your brother," said Daniel
"I am super sorry, dear brother and brother's boyfriend," said Flynn, a small pout on her face.
Next to her, Anonymous snorted. The blue of her horns glowed the same that Flynn's and Carlos's glowed. It was one of the only traits that all three of them shared.
"So, anyway, boys, how is the GSA going?" asked Alexander
"As wonderful as always. Still the usual people," said Lucas
"Yeah, we haven't really had any freshmen yet, except Green, but they only showed up today," said Carlos
"A few of the girls might show up," said Flynn
"Awesome!" said Lucas
"Anyway, kids, we have to go pack," said Daniel
"Twins, you're washing the dishes," said Alexander
"Okay!" said the girls, leaving.
me: trys to write two dads in a happy relationship when my dad isn't the best and i live with two moms...