are you

By teapup

FUCKING kidding me right now??? fuck that shit. you go onto my fucking animations and just straight up vent?? i post things for praise, love, and to entertain others who like my art. not to fucking vent!! this already happened on toonator, you dumb shit. fuckity fuck fuck fuck and your not really even venting???? literally just asking for attention??? if something REALLY serious is going on you go get fucking help. don't go on an animation thats made for ENTERTAINMENT and fucking shit your pants. if anyone is actually reading this, its not towards you, that person is already out of my life :) i just wanted to vent a little, and give yall a message but actually, DO NOT go onto someones animation that has gore in it and say something like "i'm gonna kill myself" or some dumb shit. JUST PRAISE THE ART. i'm so FUCKING tired of it. GOD if that keeps happening, I'LL be the one fucking killing myself. just know that if you do need help, there are suicide hotlines out there. not animations that you should comment on, jesus christ shut up. have a nice day all the GREAT people reading this.

  • Published May 21, 2020, 14:51
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in doodles
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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