Thanks for watching!


As you all know, Survive or Die has not had a new installment for a very long time now. That also goes for channel activity overall; I haven't posted an animation/drawing for over a year now. I've been focused on other side hobbies; animation (and drawing in general) I feel barely any passion towards anymore. With college in full swing, as well as other hobbies that I have bigger passions for, time and motivation I have to keep working on Survive or Die has been non-existent for the past two years. Since it hasn't been worked on for so long, I've officially decided to end production of Survive or Die. If I do eventually return to it, I plan on restarting the project and building it from the ground up: new name, new characters, etc. But for now, Survive or Die is officially cancelled. Thank you so much for the years of support and following me on this journey! From 12-year-old me starting it as a fun little collab with @SwagTomato, to 15-year-old me experimenting with the story and writing, storyboarding, and animating solo, it was really fun working on this little mini-series! I appreciate that a select few people decided SoD was worth watching, and telling a younger me that my stories were worth sharing. Thank you for watching! <3

  • Published January 26, 2024, 00:00
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Survive or Die
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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