wow now think on what my bro said


maybe no one will love me, maybe i'll forever be in a fake relationship with a fictional character, maybe i will never know what it's like to kiss, hug, and say " i love you too " to a real human being- maybe i'll be a said loner in a apartment thinking about my life, but now i type this it doesn't seem so bad really- maybe being alone has it's perks, like no one steals your fucking food- or being able to think for myself and family instead of someone else, and just me days, everyday, and maybe get a well paid job that i will love- maybe falling in love is a thing for other while for other people like me, it's pure fiction. i'm having a universal crisis now-

  • Published July 13, 2019, 18:58
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in shitposts
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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