Gemima Cobble (or Gemma for short)

By Crunch

An entry for THIS contest: The contest is being held by @Phonaesthetics Gemma is 54 years old, but a child at heart. She's a gemroid that migrated from her original caves a long time ago, after they were flooded. She finds socialising and working within a community hard because of her relatively sheltered upbringing, but she enjoys talking to people anyways. She runs a small jewellery shop. She has beautiful shimmering dragonfly wings that she paints with shimmering nail polish. She's known to blind people because she's just so goddamn SHINY. For a gemroid, she's REALLY not that elegant. She may be 6'3 but she's also loud and very excitable. She never questioned her sexuality, although she's PRETTY sure she's asexual and she gets lots of shit for not having a husband. Her weapon of choice? A gem-encrusted frying pan

  • Published December 27, 2018, 12:19
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • Hidden from users
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