Jus' wanted to say

By Frost

Thank you to @roselilies , @Hell_House , and @Bendytheinkling for cheerin' me up yesterday. I know it must've brought stress among you tryna cheer someone as sensitive as I am haha. But still, thank you very much. Things have been a bit more rough for me, and I ofc have noticed my whole "trying to change myself" routine is going south a lot more than I want it to. Usually on the phone, my friend would say he's noticed I'm calmer now that school was out.. but it seems my stress levels are returning smh.. I listened to lofi last night, so that put me to sleep for 2 hours ;v; (so many have recommended I listen to it, so.. it means a lot to know I'm cared for, even when I go psycho ) Much appreciation tho <3

  • Published June 25, 2020, 07:58
  • in Kiddie Pool
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0Holy gersh .0.!
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Uh, hey folks