oof new character idea just some notes for me ignore this: Ezra's boyf has a son and is a single dad hes tIRED LET HIM SLEEP like probably hasnt slept in a week :(((((( v tired dad he also has a slight stutter and Ezra thinks its the cutest thing ever :))) Ezra dies trying to protect his son from the organization keyword trying ;))))))))))))))))))))) oops so uh,,,yeah. he doesnt have a name yet so if anyone has suggestions, im all ears. thinking/finding names is really hard for some reason lmao. at least for me it is idk giroweqw. names for his son are also welcome UwU lmao im editing this to write down names i like: Craig Romeo Sebastian (this one's from me lmao) Bennett (for his son idk) (from me/for his son as well) Isaac

  • Published April 30, 2019, 18:00
  • in Kiddie Pool
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