An error can be found in this world


And that error is me. I see myself as a disgusting human being, a disgrace to humanity. I see myself as a freak, a weirdo, a bitch. I see myself as invaluable and compare myself to shit. I see myself as an Error, because I shouldn't be alive in this world, because I'm different in a bad way. I SEE MYSELF LIKE THIS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER THAN ME, AND BECAUSE THEY GAVE ME THESE NAMES TO FOREVER HOLD DEAR TO MY CHEST. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO DESTROYED ME, THESE PEOPLE are the people who make up this world, who choose who belongs and who doesn't. And I am one who doesn't belong,

  • Published April 25, 2019, 13:15
  • in Kiddie Pool
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