
By Frost

You're joking, right? Right?! Why is it when someone, or I get or anybody in general gets dragged into shit the don't want to get dragged in? Why is it that I feel constantly targeted by a lot of people on here ngl. And it's absolutely annoying. For the love of god leave me alone! Anybody who targets another person in general, just stop! They're either going through a lot already, and straight up don't deserve it. So what, Bren posted things that I was a part of, big deal. Maybe we're just really good friends and he loves expressing himself. Big whoop. I'm sorry that I'm showing my salty side, but dear God I have a lot on my plate already, and I don't wanna keep piling stuff on it. Thank you, have a great night or day.

  • Published August 19, 2020, 21:49
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • Hidden from users
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