Okay, so, Erm...


This is more or less a trash post just to catch up on where I've been. So... What's going on? Well, I moved on with my life, at least, in the past year. I'm currently taking out the last 2 years of highschool and I've been extremely busy. I enrolled into a special program for the arts and my mental state has gotten much better since then!! My art has also improved tremendously. But every so often I think about this place and it brings back fond, as well as cringey memories. Really thinking about it, I took the internet for granted, growing up with this community, and communities like it. I personally want to thank everyone for being here, and giving me the experience that I have now. Who knows, I might come back in the next year again, if I get my tablet to work once more. But, for now, I'll be disappearing into the abyss again. Sorry this is short, I have little time currently... Bur regardless, I hope everyone here, (Even people who don't know who I am) A great day, week, month, year!!! <33 Peace!! :D Oh yeah :D https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1036832504268722206/1037165765264162887/SPOILER_unknown.png?width=353&height=473

  • Published November 04, 2022, 13:48
  • in The Swamp
  • Hidden from users
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