[contest entry] Réaltra

By emi

#disasterscontest1 here's the ref thing! https://prnt.sc/s098em OKAY, so here's all the info about this species: Realtra! 1. they are made from galaxy dust. The name Realtra is Irish for galaxy, I believe. 2. They were made in the universe but landed on Earth. Currently, they all reside on Earth and none are in space. They've learned to repopulate on Earth by themselves as well. 3. Everywhere they move stars follow them. they are also a bit transparent as you see in the ref I linked. They are still made up of a sort of "solid" matter though, so you can't put your hand right through them. 4. the "eyes" that are on their faces do not work. they are simply for show, as they see out of the eyes on both sides of their body. 5. They do not have ears, those are not ears. They sense vibrations in the little antenna off their forehead. 6. they can move their claw/tail thing to pick up objects. their paws are not paws, but just fluff on the end of arms. They got no fingers lol 7. They cannot be killed, only can die from old age. Like stars, they go through phases. Their death phase is when they change color (into red and orange) and explode/disappear. This is sorta the Red Giant phase I guess(?) And they live for around 1000 years. 8. They are peaceful! Will not hurt anyone and honestly just like to play. 9. When they are born they are nothing but a small star/spark. They later evolve into this form. 10. ALL of the Realtra have voices, and they are all the same voices (so you can't tell which is which... like ever lol). They cannot speak, they just make low hums or buzzes. 11. they all look the same, and they are the same on both sides. so no different design or anything on the other side of their body. 12. Uhhh, I think thats it? Any questions feel free to ask! -- I'm really glad I was able to take part in this contest!! It was so fun making this character and I enjoyed every bit of it. Good luck to all the others participating! The ref was made with Paint Tool Sai, btw (WHENEVER I SAY "Realtra" I MEAN "Réaltra" WITH AN ACCENT BUT I'M JUST TOO LAZY TO ADD THE ACCENT LOL) (and yeah sorry if it means "nurse" lmao i'm so tireddddd just know that there's supposed to be an accent pls)

  • Published April 15, 2020, 23:05
  • in Kiddie Pool
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