My friend

By Frost

Noticed, and has basically pointed out that I'm miserable as fuck lol. Last night I told her that person #1 messaged me when I thought person #2 did and got absolutely disappointed when it wasn't who I thought. I'm trying my best to be happy and whatnot, keeping the smile and good vibes with my boyfriend... and we've only been together for a week and two days... but I can't handle this. He asked me out too quickly and panicked me enough to where I said "Yes"... it felt amazing to be single... I got so used to three months alone to the point where I was comfortable... even with other stuff that was happening. Now I'm just *uncomfortable*... I know what else is wrong with this. My feelings kinda died when he snapped at me and started showing his somewhat violent side. And in general, it just felt great to feel something but that has clearly died... my friends want me happy on two different sides... one to be happy with my boyfriend, but the other side to be happy with someone else who I basically never shut up about romantically... she said "Look bud, it's obvious that you clearly love *insert name* more and you should just follow your heart", cuz my explanation was... weird. Mmmm... I dunno what to do. I dunno how to break it off with my bf... I really don't ":'/

  • Published August 17, 2020, 07:34
  • in Kiddie Pool
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