2022 SUCKS. (desc)


this year is off to a cruddy start. covid isnt letting up, people are still getting sick, and theres still tons of chaos and problems in our society which are only worsening. during new years, there were some reports of gun fire in my neighborhood, and im sure some of you found out the same. my step dad is a security guard, and he often goes to big events to do his job. security. he has a news site that tells him just about everything that goes down involving law, and he got a lot of drunk driving reports, and worse things too. lots of people are most likely dead from some of these drunk driving crashes, and it hasnt even been a DAY in the new year. now on my end, a lot has been going on today that has made my life even worse than before, but thats my personal struggle, and isnt relevant for anyone else. my point is, this year will not be any better, so dont expect anything good out of 2022. it might as well be worse than 2020, or any other year for that matter. i can see great suffering and chaos unfolding and coming our way. may life have mercy on us all. please stay safe, and make the most of...whatever this year will bring.

  • Published January 01, 2022, 17:33
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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